Weight Loss

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Do you believe yourself to be an adult who is dealing with major health problems as a direct result of your weight? Did you make an effort to reduce your weight by following a diet and engaging in physical activity, but for some reason, you were not successful? Should you have provided a positive response to these inquiries, it is possible that you could benefit from using a weight-loss medicine that is available only with a doctor’s prescription.

You must be aware that you should not utilize prescription weight loss meds in place of a healthy diet and consistent physical activity; rather, you should use these medications in conjunction with the lifestyle changes that you have already made.

Who Qualifies to Take Drugs for Weight Loss?

It is possible that your healthcare provider would suggest that you take a medicine that assists you in losing weight in certain circumstances. In the case that you have not been successful in losing weight through the processes of diet and exercise, the following are some of the options available to you:

  • The body mass index (BMI) of the individual is greater than thirty or higher. You are living with a condition known as obesity, which is characterized by having an excessive quantity of fat in your body. In other words, you are living with what is known as obesity.
  • Your healthcare practitioner will take into consideration your medical history as well as any health problems that you have been having before deciding on the medication that you will undergo. Following that, your designated medical expert will have a conversation with you about the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing weight-loss drugs that require a prescription.

How effective are drugs for weight loss once they have been taken?

You may see a reduction in total body weight that is between three and twelve per cent larger than what you would lose by making changes to your lifestyle alone if you take these medications for one year during which you will be taking them. If, on the other hand, you can shed between 5 and 10 per cent of your total weight and maintain that weight loss, you may have considerable health benefits. In addition to lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, lowering triglycerides, which are fats that are found in the blood, is another example of something that may be done.

To assist me in losing weight, how long should I take the medication?

For weight loss, the amount of time that you take a drug is contingent upon whether or not the drug truly assists you in losing weight. Your healthcare provider may recommend that you continue to take the tablet for an extended period if you have lost a significant amount of weight to enhance your health and have not encountered any serious unwanted effects.

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